About Us
Back Into Osteopathy encompasses a friendly and health focused team of physical therapists that aim to achieve the best long-term results for our patients.
Our services include osteopathy, pregnancy care, exercise rehabilitation and strength & conditioning.
Located in Ringwood, we are open to all ranges of patients from elite athletes to children and geriatric.
Opening Hours
Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Payment for your appointment is required on the day. We accept eftpos, credit card and cash as well as:
Private health extras are claimable at the time of your appointment.
We accept veterans affairs patients for osteopathy only. Under the current guidelines, a GP referral is required for each 12 appointments for the calendar year.
All services are covered through Workcover with a GP referral. We advise speaking to your workcover case manager before attending your first appointment.
TAC patients are accepted at our clinic.
EPC/Chronic Disease Management Plan
We accept GP referrals under the EPC program. Up to five appointments can be assisted with a Medicare payment of $58 that is rebated on the day.
Osteopathy consults are 45 minutes in duration for both initial and subsequent appointments.
Cancellation Fee
As a courtesy we require a minimum 24 hours notice for all cancellations otherwise a fee will be charged.