Exercise Rehabilitation
What is involved in exercise rehabilitation?
Your exercise rehabilitation program will be specific to you. It's based on your expectations, your schedule, and what type of injury you have.
Given these factors, you might have a light program, written simplistically out for you. Or we may need to develop an online Physitrack exercise program to provide an extensive program, manage your pain and watch you advance with your rehabilitation.
A few things not listed below are some possible tips we may discuss depending on the injury and pain. We may need to refer to your general practitioner for advice and assistance for such things including and not limited to imaging, pain relief or anti-inflammatories.
Common Injuries
Sports Injuries
We treat and manage a wide range of sporting injuries and focus on diagnosis and rehabilitation to assist you in return to play.
Our aim is to get you back to sport as early as possible. Both the athlete and the practitioner need to work together to understand what the demands of the sport, where you are in your season and sporting calendar, and to have a clear rehab program to return back at a reasonable time.
Disc Bulges and Spine Injuries
Acute spine pain can be very distressing and can be very serious. A clear diagnosis is very important and is essential for the patient to understand what the pain is. Any neurological symptoms need to be addressed such as:
Pins & Needles
Common causes for spine pain are:
Facet joint sprain
Disc protrusions
Nerve root impingement
Stress fractures
Other less common causes such health pathologies
Rehabilitation steps for such conditions can range from minimal mobility exercises, to core activation and aim for pain free functional movements and exercises.
All Upper & Lower limb Joint Pain & Injuries
Peripheral joints are all joints outside of the spine!
This includes:
Upper limb joints such as shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries
Lower limb joints such as hips, knees and ankles
Our peripheral joints require both range of motion exercises and strengthening exercises to return to pain free movements. They are also rarely rehabilitated without that whole limb being involved. This provides a functional restoration to your joint and limb aiming to make it the quickest and strongest recovery.
Ligament & Tendon Injuries/Conditions
Ligament and tendon injuries are some of the most common injuries we get in the clinic. They can commonly effect strength and the range of motion of the joint these structures effect.
Whether it is ligament or tendon injuries, we aim to treat within a relative pain free range to improve it's strength.
Ligaments greatly effect the range of motion, cause local swelling, and effectively limits strength due to the pain the injury causes. Thankfully, ligament injuries have a general and predictable time frame of healing depending on the extent of the injury.
Tendons need load. Your tendon injury will be managed based on it's relative load capacity, gradually trying to improve it's strength in a well guided rehabilitation plan.